SNMP 2.0.0
No Matches
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
 NSNMPSNMP library namespace
 CAgentSNMP agent
 CArrayBERBase class for BER array of BERs
 CBaseBase class for BER, Length and Type
 CBERBER object
 CBooleanBERBER object to handle boolean
 CClassHelper struct to handle class of BER type
 CCounter32BERBER object to handle 32-bit counter
 CCounter64BERBER object to handle 64-bit counter
 CEndOfMIBViewBERBER object to handle endOfMIBView exception
 CErrorHelper struct to handle SNMP error
 CFlagHelper class for internal flag
 CFloatBERBER object to handle float
 CFormHelper struct to handle form of BER type
 CGauge32BERBER object to handle 32-bit gauge
 CIntegerBERBER object to handle integer
 CIPAddressBERBER object to handle IP address
 CLengthLength of a BER object
 CManagerSNMP manager
 CMessageSNMP message object
 COIDHelper class to defines some useful SNMP OIDs
 CNoSuchInstanceBERBER object to handle noSuchInstance exception
 CNoSuchObjectBERBER object to handle noSuchObject exception
 CNullBERBER object to handle null
 CObjectIdentifierBERBER object to handle OID
 COctetStringBERBER object to handle octet string
 COpaqueBERBER object to handle embedded BER object
 COpaqueFloatBERBER object to handle float
 CPDUHelper class to handle PDU
 CGenericHelper struct to handle generic PDU
 CBulkHelper struct to handle GetBulkRequest PDU
 CPortHelper struct to handle UDP ports
 CSequenceBERBER object to handle sequence of BER objects
 CTimeTicksBERBER object to handle time
 CTrapHelper struct to handle trap PDU
 CTypeType of a BER object
 CUIntegerBERBase class for unsigned integer BER
 CVarBindBER object to handle variable binding
 CVarBindListBER object to handle a list of variable bindings
 CVersionHelper struct to handle SNMP versions
 CSNMPBase class for Agent and Manager