SNMP 2.0.0
▼NSNMP | SNMP library namespace |
CAgent | SNMP agent |
CArrayBER | Base class for BER array of BERs |
CBase | Base class for BER, Length and Type |
CBER | BER object |
CBooleanBER | BER object to handle boolean |
CClass | Helper struct to handle class of BER type |
CCounter32BER | BER object to handle 32-bit counter |
CCounter64BER | BER object to handle 64-bit counter |
CEndOfMIBViewBER | BER object to handle endOfMIBView exception |
CError | Helper struct to handle SNMP error |
CFlag | Helper class for internal flag |
CFloatBER | BER object to handle float |
CForm | Helper struct to handle form of BER type |
CGauge32BER | BER object to handle 32-bit gauge |
CIntegerBER | BER object to handle integer |
CIPAddressBER | BER object to handle IP address |
CLength | Length of a BER object |
CManager | SNMP manager |
▼CMessage | SNMP message object |
COID | Helper class to defines some useful SNMP OIDs |
CNoSuchInstanceBER | BER object to handle noSuchInstance exception |
CNoSuchObjectBER | BER object to handle noSuchObject exception |
CNullBER | BER object to handle null |
CObjectIdentifierBER | BER object to handle OID |
COctetStringBER | BER object to handle octet string |
COpaqueBER | BER object to handle embedded BER object |
COpaqueFloatBER | BER object to handle float |
▼CPDU | Helper class to handle PDU |
▼CGeneric | Helper struct to handle generic PDU |
CBulk | Helper struct to handle GetBulkRequest PDU |
CPort | Helper struct to handle UDP ports |
CSequenceBER | BER object to handle sequence of BER objects |
CTimeTicksBER | BER object to handle time |
CTrap | Helper struct to handle trap PDU |
CType | Type of a BER object |
CUIntegerBER | Base class for unsigned integer BER |
CVarBind | BER object to handle variable binding |
CVarBindList | BER object to handle a list of variable bindings |
CVersion | Helper struct to handle SNMP versions |
CSNMP | Base class for Agent and Manager |